500+ Latest Best Hidden Android Secret Codes 2017 Skip to main content

500+ Latest Best Hidden Android Secret Codes 2017

500+ Latest Best Hidden Android Secret Codes 2017

SpY        Android secret code

Here is rundown of top and best most recent Best Android Secret Codes in 2017: We've incorporated some Secret Hidden Codes for Android.  Some of them may not deal with particular gadget but rather you can attempt it on the off chance that you can. 

Android gadget is extremely brilliant and shrewd. You discover heaps of insider facts in Android gadget. Here With these Android mystery codes,

you get to Android's mystery entryway and administrations, and so on. These are the numeric/typical successions which permit you to get to framework settings for a few employments. 

An Android working framework is most broadly utilized as a part of the world. Android designers likewise make numerous indirect accesses through which you can go into the framework, and you can change settings. It is not intended to be utilized these secondary passage for noxious expectation since engineers obstructed a few modes and these indirect access are the way or permit the clients to go into the framework and let you get comfortable with the framework. In a cell phone, these indirect access are called mystery codes. These are the numeric/typical arrangements which permit you to get to framework settings for a few employments. So here we have expressed some Secret Hidden Codes for Android 2017. Some of them may not take a shot at a particular gadget, but rather you can attempt it in the event that you can.Latest Best Hidden Android Secret Codes 2017 

Take note of:- Some of these codes can purpose behind genuine changes on your gadget combination so please make an effort to remain prompted run these codes all alone hazard and don't play with them in the event that you don't have adequate information about them. 

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New List of Android Secret Codes 2017: 

Mystery Codes Description 


Testing Menu 


Show Info about gadget 


Plant Restore 


Camera Information 


Totally Wipe gadget, introduce stock firmware 


Reinforcement all media documents 


Remote LAN Test 

*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* 

Change Power catch conduct 


Speedy GPS Test 


Test mode for administration action 


Wi-Fi Mac Address 


Another GPS test 


Bundle Loopback Test 


Sound Test 


Or, on the other hand *#*#0289#*#* 

Vibration and Backlight test 


Check touch screen adaptation 


LCD test 


Touch Screen test 


Nearness sensor test 


Smash form 


Bluetooth test 


Field Test 


Check Bluetooth gadget address 


Google Talk benefit observing 


PDA, Hardware, Phone and 

RF Call Date data 


PDA and Phone firmware check 


FTA equipment variant 


FTA programming variant 


Shows IMEI number 


Empowers voice dialing logging mode 


Cripples voice dialing logging mode 


Raises Epst menu 

##778 +call 

Shows Build time and change list number 


Evacuate Google account setting 


Reinstall the firmware 


Used to go into Service mode 


Battery Status 


Information make menu 


Information utilization status 


OTA refresh menu 


RF band determination 


Symptomatic setup 


USB 12C mode control 


USB logging control 


Investigate dump menu 


Framework dump mode 


Demonstrates Build time change list number 


NAND streak serial number 


Ongoing clock test 


Light sensor test 


Speedy test menu 


Execute from Emergency dial screen to open PUK code 


All Samsung Phone Secret Codes: 

Mystery Codes Description 


Show IMEI number 


Show current firmware 


Indicative and general settings mode 


Production line delicate reset 


To show item code 


GPS test settings 


Benefit mode principle menu 


SW and HW Info 


Bluetooth Address 


ADC Reading 


RF Band Selection 


Figuring Info 


Bluetooth Test Mode 


Analytic Configuration 


WLAN Test Mode 


Vibration engine test 


WLAN MAC Address 


USB I2C Mode Control 


Sound Test Mode 


General Test Mode 


USB Logging Control 


GCF Configuration 


Continuous Clock Test 


Sound Loopback Control 


LBS Test Mode 


GPS Control Menu 


RIL Dump Menu 


Information Create Menu 


Vicinity Sensor Test Mode 


Camera Firmware Update 


Light Sensor Test Mode 


WLAN Engineering Mode 


Troubleshoot Dump Menu 


NAND Flash S/N 


Programming Version Info 


Framework Dump Mode 


Information Create SD Card 


Information Usage Status 


TSP/TSK firmware refresh 


Remap Shutdown to End Call TSK 


Camera Firmware Menu 

*#7412365# and *#*#34971539#*#* 

WLAN Engineering Mode 


Song Test Mode 


OTA Update Menu 


Test History 


HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu 


Fast Test Menu 


See Phone Lock Status 


Auto Answer Selection 


All HTC Android Phone Hidden Codes: 

Mystery Codes Description 


Gadget data program 


Field Test 


HTC Function Test Program 


Show Software rendition 


Show equipment rendition 


Wi-Fi Mac Address 


Bluetooth Mac Address 


GPS Test 


GPS Test 2 


Bluetooth test 


Show test 


Touch Screen rendition 


Touch Screen Test 


Investigate UI 


Processing plant organize 


WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth Test Hidden: 

Mystery Codes 

Mystery Codes Description 

*#*#526#*#*n*#*#528#*#* n*#*#232339#*#*n 

WLAN Test. 


- Displays/Shows WiFi MAC address. 


- For snappy GPS test. 


- Different sort GPS test. 


- Bluetooth test. 


- Displays Bluetooth gadget address. 

Firmware adaptation data Android Hidden Codes: 


Mystery Codes Description 


- Let you think about FTA SW Version. 


- FTA Hardware Version. 


- Firmware Info PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate. 


- PDA and Phone firmware information. 


- RF band choice 


- Diagnostic design. 


- USB 12C mode control. 


- USB logging control. 


- RIL dump menu. 


- Debug dump menu. 


- System dump mode. 


- Shows Build time change list number.n-PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, ChangeList number. 


- NAND flashes serial number. 


- GCF mode status. 

Processing plant Tests Android Secret Codes: 


Mystery Codes Description 


- Packet Loopback test. 


- LCD test. 


- Audio/Melody test. 


- Vibration test and BackLight test Device test. 


- Displays Touch screen rendition. 


- Touch-Screen test. 


- Proximity sensor test. 


- RAM form. 


- Real time clock test. 


- Light sensor test. 


- Quick test menu. 


Other Android Screen | Hidden Codes: 


Mystery Codes Description 


- Galaxy S3 benefit menu. 


- Motorola DROID concealed administration menu.n-The default SPC secret word is six zeroes(000000). 


- LG Optimus 2x shrouded benefit menu.n-When provoked for a code enter six zeroes(000000). 


- Lg Optimus 3D shrouded benefit menu.n-When provoked for a code enter six zeroes(000000). 

Along these lines, this was the List of Best Android Hidden/Secret Codes 2017. These given codes are tried and working fine, however a few codes may not chip away at some Android telephone. You can simply attempt to discover which work or which not. Be ready while utilizing them we are not in charge of any information misfortune or other issue. In the event that you confront any issue don't hesitate to talk about in underneath remarks! SpY


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