OSI model

                              OSI  MODEL

Introduction to OSI Model

~ OSI model is based o the proposal developed by
the international standards organizatin(ISO).

~ This model is called ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference model because it deals with connecting open systems (systems that are open for communication with other systems).

~ We call it as OSI Model.

Physical layer :
                           *  Provides physical interface for transmisssion of information.

* Define rules by which bits are passed from one system to another on a physical communication medium.

Data link layer :

                                      * data linl layer attempts to provide reliaable communication over the phycial layer interface.
 * Breaks the out going data into frames the reassemble the recived frames.

Network layer :

                                     * Implements routing of frames (packets) through the networks.
* Define the most optimum path the packet should take from the source to the destination.
* Defines logical addressitng so that any end point can be identified.

Transport layer :

                                           * Propose of this layer is to provide a reliable mechanism for the exchange of data between two processes in diffrent computer.
* Ensure that the data units are delivered error free.
* Ensure that data units are delivered in sequence.
* Ensure that there is no loss or duplication of data units.

Screen layer :

                      * Session layer provides mechanism for controlling the dialogue between the two end system. it defines how to start, control and end conversations (called session) between applications.
* This layer request for the logical connection to be established on an end user's request.

Presentation layer :

                                                     * Presentation layer defines the format in which the is to be exchanged between the two communicating entities.
*Also handels data compression and data encryption (cryptography).

Application layer :

                                                  * Application layer intracts with Application programs ans is the higest level of ISO model.
Application layer contains menagement function to support distributed applications.
* Example of application layer are applications such as file transfer.
electronic mail, remote login etc...


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